April 15, 2024


1. Your first impression of him or her is quite good. You accept the person as they are, naturally. You give them a second chance. After the second and third date, you really have the feeling that you are not wasting your time with this person, you think they really deserve your attention. You just know it.


2. You listen to each other and you build your relationship, step by step. I think this is the right foundation for a healthy and long-lasting relationship. If someone is too busy to talk all the time and you just have to listen to them for hours, they are not the right partner for you and this is not a normal conversation.


3. They respect you and you do the same in return. If you are not ego driven, this is great because you can be a better partner. But if the other partner is ego driven, chances are the relationship is not going to be good. We need to be loving and to accept our partner as they are because they weren’t born to be shaped by us. Their personality and identity is their own choice. We either like them, or drop them for good. Everything else will bring big problems in your life.


4. You get to know each other very well and you start thinking: “I like him or her a lot. I have always wanted to be with someone like him or her.” It is very good because there is no love bombing or something like this, the things grow steady but slowly. You have a maximum 2-3 dates per week and you have a great time together.


5. You feel that you can trust him or her. They have not betrayed you and they behave like they keep your secrets and they trust you, too. There is mutual trust and no red flags at all. Nobody behaves in a weird way, they are just normal.


6. He or she speaks good things about you when you are not there or in front of you, he or she doesn’t criticize you. This is a very important sign because it sets positive vibes and mutual respect. If you don’t like someone and you criticize them constantly, why are you with them? If you like and respect each other, you will build a good reputation with your partner. That means that you are a great person, too. Because you have attracted them and they have chosen you.

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