April 18, 2024

One of the intimate actions in life is kissing, which is commonly defined as merely pushing or caressing one’s lips against another person’s or an object.

While it is frequently witnessed between lovers in a relationship or marriage, it can also occur between parents and their younger children.

However, according to Health line, there are five diseases that can be contracted via kissing despite it being a therapeutic activity for one’s mental and emotional well-being:

1. Gingivitis

This illness, which is also known as “Gum Disease,” can be brought on by spitting of saliva between two people kissing.

Cavities may also form due to the potential bacterial exchange that may occur during the process.

2. Infectious Mononucleosis

According to Mayo Clinic, the most common name for this condition is “Kissing Disease,” and its main symptom is tiredness, which can occasionally lead to enlarged lymph nodes and a sore throat.

3. Meningitis

According to Dr. Chris Carpenter of Michigan, this condition is a viral illness that can occasionally be brought on by the herpes virus.

It is actually possible to catch from someone who is in close contact with someone who already has it and this includes kissing.

4. Syphilis

The main symptom of this very contagious sexually transmitted disease is the development of oral sores.

Although HSV isn’t primarily caught by kissing, the rising prevalence of it among people suggests kissing can sometimes cause it to spread.

5. Herpes

Kissing someone who has oral sores increases the likelihood of contracting herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), also known as oral herpes.

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